Orange County Greek Festival

The OC Greek Fest is held once a year at St. John’s Greek Orthodox Church in Anaheim, California. It’s a great place to bring family and friends. Here you will find awesome Greek food, wine, beer desserts, and lot more. A live band place through the festivities and newcomers have a chance to learn and dance traditional songs in Greek.,+Anaheim,+Orange,+California+92801&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=51.887315,79.013672&ie=UTF8&cd=2&geocode=FbxMBAIdJa_3-A&split=0&hq=&hnear=405+N+Dale+Ave,+Anaheim,+Orange,+California+92801&ll=33.836299,-117.984828&spn=0.024953,0.036478&z=14&output=embed
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For the past several years, Christiansen Amusements has provided the carnival rides and games. Lots of fun for the entire family! You might even be lucky enough to win the many raffle prizes!! Please visit for more information. Admission is FREE by printing the online ticket, a $3.00 value.
You may also find free parking at the Wal-Mart parking lot located at Dale and La Palma Avenue. A complimentary shuttle ride will have be available.
Public safety is provided by the Anaheim Police Department and hired security for the premises. I recommend you have cash on hand because the ATM service charges are too high.  

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